CILE seeks to enhance the international nature of the law school by providing programming and publications highlighting the international work of our students, faculty, and guests. CILE also works closely with our partner institutions around the world to provide student and faculty exchange, as well as potential internship and employment placements for our graduates.
CILE has also been chosen by the U.S. Departments of State and Commerce to provide coordination and curriculum development support to law faculties in transition countries throughout the world, including Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Oman, Qatar, Serbia, UAE, and Ukraine. These programs have included LL.M. training for young faculty, summer school sessions at partner institutions, English for Lawyers courses, expert library development consultations, a Vis Arbitration Moot consortium, research centers at partner institutions, and conferences with partner law faculties.

Learn more about upcoming events for CILE by exploring our events calendar here. View past events on our YouTube channel.